RBL Talk Segment

You can get involved on the show in a number of ways in the RBL talk segment if you want the host to read out and respond to your submission you can do this by doing any of the following:

  1. Spotify: on each episode there is a Q&A so you can add your submission without even leaving the app if you listen by Spotify. Just go to the show notes to locate it. NOTE: submission is for the next episode and must be submitted on latest episodes Q&A.
  2. Email submission: directly by emailing show@rbltalk.com or by using the form provided on the website here. Your email won't be used on the show just your first and last name unless you say to use a different name.
  3. Reply on social media: At the end of all games there is a post for RBL Talk submissions just reply back with your comment to that post.
  4. Write a post on social media: Either use the hashtag #RBLtalk or mention @RBLtalk the podcast page on your social media platform. 
  5. Direct message via social media: Send a direct message on your social media platform of choice to the podcast page. NOTE: please say it's a RBL talk submission.


Topics for the RBL talk segment can be anything as long as it's about RB Leipizg. Examples are team performance, player performance, game atmosphere, fan behaviour etc...

Being a Special Guest on the Show!

If you would like to be a special guest on the show you can be a fan/supporter from any club anywhere around the world make sure to read this article here for more information.