Becoming a Special Guest on the Show!

You can get become a special guest on the show by:

  1. Email submission: directly by emailing or by using the form provided on the website here. You don't need to provide a company name or title. Social links and website are only used for your plug on show notes.

  2. Direct message via social media: Send a direct message on your social media platform of choice to the podcast page.

About The Interview

I have a set guideline on what questions will be asked that will be emailed to you if you've submitted your interest by email otherwise they will be sent to you by your preferred method of contact.

The interview will be free flowing and will be largely unedited. You acknowledge that I will not intently make you look bad or have you say something that has not been said. If there is something you would like edited or cut out you must state so whilst recording so a retake can be done.

You as the interviewee reserve the right to have the interview removed in the future but must give an explanation why you want it removed so it can be given to listeners of the show and documented here.

A re-upload of the episode without the interview will then be done for the episode affected or completely removed if it’s a standalone episode of just the interview. Once this has been completed you will then be notified of the removal.