RBL Talk has only the best news sources

Below is a list of places where I have scoured news for the show. All URL links on the podcast homepage have the source name and date of article for instance: GGFN01012024 - Date is day / month / year.

I am not affiliated with any of the below news publications or their content creators, all news articles have only the title and source with link. Occasionally there may be different news sources than this list which will be stated on the post, if they become a regular addition they will be added to the list.

If there is any issues regarding a news article headline or link please email show@rbltalk.com with the link on the RBL Talk website and the news article that needs to be changed. If you want the article removed from the website make sure to have the email subject titled Article Removal with the RBL Talk article link you wished removed.

  1. Get German football news

  2. Buli news

  3. RB Leipzig - translated from German.

  4. Kicker - translated from German.

  5. RB Live! - translated from German.

  6. Leipziger Volkszeitung - translated from German.

  7. Bild - translated from German.

  8. Bundesliga